Saturday, October 23, 2010

For the weary heart

Pick yourself up, Child.

Dazed by the need,
Paralyzed by fear.
Crushed by condemnation.

I see you suffocating,
This is not the Life of which I spoke.
I have not called you to be Savior,
Only sheep.
My sheep know My voice.

Do you really believe your striving
Will outrun my Grace?
You stand whole, redeemed,
Clothed in My righteousness.
My blood a covering for your insufficiency.
Its a broken and contrite spirit I desire -
leave the empty sacrifices at the door.

In repentance and rest is your salvation.
In quietness and trust is your strength.
I bring rest to the weary.
Breathe deep, Child.
Breathe in, as I breathe life into you.
And serve the least of these,
not from the emptiness of obligation,
but from the fullness I pour into you.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
For they will be filled.

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