Sunday, September 30, 2012

ordinary extraordinary

My heart engaged today with fresh eyes, though I'm sure it wasn't my own hands which rubbed the haze from them. 
How do I most often miss the extraordinary all around, how do I mistake it for ordinary?

I walked from moment to moment in disbelief, mind bending wonder at the gift of it all.
And suddenly, right in the middle of uncertainty and a September Saturday, joy filled.

 I know this may seem a familiar tune, of moments and gifts and living fully of the present.
But you have to understand...this is not my nature, the striving one.
The girl who works so tirelessly now so she can play later, only later never comes. There's always one more dish to wash, diaper to fold, corner to tidy.
And true fulfillment is forever waiting behind the finish line of the next milestone achieved.
I have so often chased the mirage of 'one day when'.
This daily bread kind of living is...growth.

And to think in my Martha ways I daily take for granted the sweaty, baby head, deep rhythmic breaths cadence to my heart's dancing tune.

I could fill books with His sustaining graces, how He holds us together, His character our peace.

 And there is more still. 

I am growing quite certain that even as each day has enough trouble of its own and in this world, suffering is guaranteed,
even in our pain and unending need,
not one breath is ordinary.

 I pray you will encounter the extraordinary right in the middle of your ordinary,
through the one who came to give life in abundance.
hearts alive,


Kim Mierau said...

Beautiful. Love this, Erica.

Anonymous said...

look at that sweet face...goodness, that's extraordinary right there! this post reflects a lesson I have been learning more intimately over this past year. sometimes painfully so, and other times peacefully so. but i think the longer you are stretched and learn to make this a conscious choice and habit, the easier it does become, and the more grace and joy filled your ordinary becomes. sometimes startlingly so. thanks for your gentle and humble example of this. i wish i would have learned this 10 years ago when I was your age! :) i was just thinking today how my oldest may have been gypped a bit by my lack of spiritual muscle and my own focus on the Martha-ness of life way back when, and how I wish I knew then what I know now. but God is good...and He gently reminded me that time is precious and what matters in my now is what counts the most. to make that count. keep enjoying those extraordinary moments...and feel free to share them with us anytime!