Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Take One For the Team (40 days of Focus)

I've been doing pretty good with my 40 days of Focus routine. The other night, though, Erica came home with Birthday Cake ice cream. It's one of my fav's. Then she dipped a large bowl for her and Belle to share and brought it into our bedroom. I was working on the computer and Belle didn't want any ice cream, so Erica put the bowl on the bed while she went out to the living room to put a Dora DVD in for Belle.

So there we were. Just me and the ice cream. I thought, "I'll just take a bite..." So I did. But Erica took awhile. I ate the entire bowl in about 30 seconds flat. I was drinking the melted residue when I heard Erica yell from the living room, "Don't eat my ice cream!" to the crescendo of the Dora theme song: "Swiper no swiping!" Appropriate.

So I failed in the whole "eating healthy" area, but hey, I saved Erica from eating that fattening ice cream so I guess I excelled in the "loving my wife better" category. Sometimes you just gotta take one for the team.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Love your logic! "A while" = 30 seconds. And saving your wife from fattening ice cream.

I want to hear Erica's side of the story!