Thursday, November 17, 2011


When big sisters have a day off school, you never know what kind of fun the morning will bring.

Her imagination is way cooler than mom's.
 Who wouldn't want to spend the day riding their sweet horse, Sapella?
 (wild man insists on putting his own undies on now...often inside out)
 Steady now, Sapella, and I will feed you a carrot.
 I think the kids finished off half a bag of baby carrots along with 2 whole apples playing horse...and all their idea too! I may be using this trick next time we're having some resistance eating our fresh veggies!
 More carrots - these are the lunch portion they divvied up.
 Judah couldn't decide if he was a cowboy or a horse

 Who miraculously turned into cheetah cubs.
oh what fun!

1 comment:

beckyjomama said...

I heart you guys. the end.