Thursday, April 24, 2008

Defining Value

I know where to look to define my worth.
I know anything less than a word from God will leave me unfulfilled.
Yet, I am ashamed at how often I COMPARE myself to others for validation. It happens so subtly - so instinctively, I am often unaware that I have even done it.

My favorite prof in college - Dr. Mark Smith - once taught me a lesson about comparison.

To Compare myself to another is to tread on enemy territory.
If I compare and come up short - I am walking in the direction of envy.
If I compare and come out on top - I am running toward pride.
Both are dangerous sins that only serve to steal my joy and separate me from God - to cloud the vision of the unique person he is creating me to be.

I don't know how this struggle plays out for the men, but as a female, I can definitely see the trap.

May you walk in confidence today - in the freedom to be uniquely you - fully adequate - & fully alive in Christ.
If we truly claim this, how could this change the way we live?

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