Thursday, October 1, 2009

House of Sickies

We arrived home Monday night, and awoke Tuesday morning to a lovely stomach virus for poor Isabelle. She had to miss her dance class and was so bummed.

Aron has been hit hard with an upper respiratory infection. He came home from work about an hour early so he could try to rest and heal up before band rehearsal tonight. While he was buried in the covers trying to sleep...
and she was out cold...
and he was supposed to be napping...
I quickly threw together a dinner I hoped would comfort my ailing family. 

The veggie soup (plus a lot of roast...aron must have meat in his veggie soup or its not a meal) and grilled cheese hit the spot on this cold day.
And in honor of the first day of the beautiful month of October, pumpkin cookies.


momma kirk said...

oh,Erica I hope everyone is feeling better soon. Keep us updated. Praying you and the baby escape any illness and for Aron and Isabelle s quick recovery. That super should have made them all feel better. looks yummy.

Unknown said...

No fair...hope the household feels better soon and that you and Judah stay healthy. I know there are a lot of sicknesses going around now.

Looks like you are loving them well though...
And Pumpkin Cookies...yum!

Kelli said...

Sorry you have the sickies. Praying everyone feels better soon.
Kaylee said "that doesn't look like a quick throw together dinner....that look's good!"

pkgormong said...

yum, erica! You are a wonder mom!