Sunday, October 4, 2009


11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."

I love rainbows. Every time I see one, I try to wrap my mind around the supernatural implications of the appearance of its brilliant light in the sky. A visible, tangible sign of God's heart toward humanity. A heart that longs to redeem and restore creation to its intended glory. 

I love the symbolism of the promise beyond the pain of current circumstances. The beauty that emerges from despair. And the reminder that the best is yet to come. 
I think our children are much like the rainbow that illuminates the dreary sky. Hope in this dark world. A picture of purity and light. A promise that God has not given up on humanity yet.

treasuring the promises - big and small - of our faithful God,


Unknown said...

what a beautiful thought and sight. great photos, great analogy and a Great promise.

love how you have belle's hair swooped over like yours. i find i do that with brookie too (her hair like mine)...lots of "funky buns" in our house. guess it's easier to do what we know. belle's adorable and has really become quite the poser!

and judah looks like he is going to pass her up in size in no time!

beckyjomama said...

That made me cry a bit ... LOVE the analogy. And, as always, the pictures are ROCKIN!

Miss my Izzy B and my Li'l Buddy!
(Miss my Mrs E too!)

grandma Jackie said...

Beautiful,beautiful,beautiful.The pic with belle and the umbrella is awesome. you need to write a book and illustrate it!I also thought the pic where she is squeezing judah and he is not happy is cute. I miss you all .iwant to see you!