Wednesday, May 18, 2011

speaking of art

Here are a few pieces I'm all gushing and googly-eyed for.

Each night at bedtime, Judah looks up from his crib and says, "Sing? Sun!" Of course, asking me to sing "You are My Sunshine" to him as he sweetly sings along.
(katie daisy)

You may have to enlarge this one to see the beauty of the sweet details. I just love the reminder, that no matter who we encounter (even those that frustrate or even...annoy us...) each one is a magnificent creation fashioned by a magnificent Creator, and should valued and treated as such. I have visions of hanging this in a someday playroom, or wouldn't it be cool if you walked into your child's classroom and saw this hanging on the wall! It a society that worships physical beauty and bestows intrinsic value based on how an individual nears 'perfection', what a refreshing proclamation that we all are magnificent creatures!

Birch coasters, laser engraved, by a husband/wife design duo from Indiana.
What's catching your eye lately?

1 comment:

Denise said...

We used to sing, 'You are my Sunshine to Danielle when she was little.We even bought this framed artwork With the words on it for her room. I will have to show it to you sometime.