Wednesday, October 14, 2009

what's in your hand?

It was bedtime last evening, and I informed Aron that I'd found a new book for Belle if he'd like to surprise her with it. He was so excited to give her the 'Arthur' book as she has grown a love for the hit PBS show.

Aron walked into her room and informed Isabelle he had a very special gift for her, and she needed to close her eyes and hold out her hands. Belle had already picked a book from her shelf and was patiently waiting for daddy to read it. She desperately wanted the surprise, but hestitated when her daddy asked her to hand him the book in her hand so she could recieve a book he knew she would love so much more. 

"Belle, I promise you will love what daddy has for you, but I need you to trust me and hand me the book in your hands."

You could see the turmoil on her face. She feared letting go of the book she'd chosen for herself, but wanted so badly to obtain the promised gift from her father.

Aron continued to encourage her to trust him and let go. Belle struggled. It seemed the commonplace book in hand was hard to give up even though she knows her daddy does not disappoint.

The spiritual parallels are striking. I am asking myself, "What's in my hand? What am I refusing to trust God with? What am I clinging to that is keeping me from receiving the good gifts God wants to give me?" Am I trusting God that his choices for my life are far better than what I can chose for myself with my limited perspective.

I know my Father's character, therefore I can trust his intentions toward me are good. Even if at first glance a blessing is packaged in a trial, I can trust that God will bring about good for me in His time. I must trust the work he is doing.

So now I ask you? What are you clinging to that God may be asking you to lay down and trust him with? Free up your hands so you can receive all he has for you. He knows your heart's desires and your greatest needs. 
much love 


beckyjomama said...


pkgormong said...

wow, that is great Erica! Isn't it amazing what children can show/teach us? You are such a sweet, kara

Unknown said...

i think i am holding a lot in my hands now. not sure exactly what or exactly why but i know it is robbing me of daily joy...still trying to figure out how to let it go and free up these distracted hands. often easier said than done, but trusting He knows my heart and will bring me through this, providing clarity, peace and assurance.

desperately needing to occupy ALL of my the past and future covered, but struggling to occupy the "now," the "present" live it and live it well. not used to "this" amanda...waiting for the old one to resurface or a new and improved one to take up residence.

thanks for the reflection. good for me to think about and ponder. love to you and that beautiful heart and mind of yours :)

grandma Jackie said...

well said! we all struggle with this . soooo....did belee get her knew book,and did she like it ?