Our sweet friend,
BeckyJo, has tagged Aron and me for a
meme (I must confess, I don't know the meaning of this word - that's okay, I'll still play.)
Here are the rules:
1. Write your own Six-Word Memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post
4. Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
Here we go...
Aron Paul Kirk
Becoming His Word, Living His Love
God's inspired Word, the Bible, is His very character revealed. He gave us the Word with the great hope that we might become like Him ("be holy, for I am holy"). We, of course, have fallen, but Christ became that Word incarnate(SEE John 1). Through the cross, we have the opportunity to become "the righteousness of God" and we find that in Christ "the fullness of the deity is in bodily form." I am passionately pursing Jesus' challenge in Matthew16:24-25 to deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Him on the journey of becoming like Him. As I faithfully follow, I find myself exemplifying His incredible, selfless, humble, world changing love. This is the essence: becoming His Word, living His Love.
Erica Jean Kirk
By His grace, living life abundantly.
Not that I deserve this love, this life, this breath I am enjoying at this moment...but because He pursued me, because He loves me, because He sees beauty & wholeness admist the brokeness I create.
Not that all in my life is perfect or ideal, but that because of His grace, I can live a full, restored life no matter what the circumstance. Walking with the One who created me, I experience life as it was intended to be lived - by Him & through Him - all things restored.
Okay - now we tag you! If you have a blog...go ahead tell the world of your memoir. If not or you don't feel comfortable posting on your own blog, leave a comment on this post with your memoir - if you feel so inspired. We'd love to see this piece of your heart! What an amazing way to see all that God is doing in the hearts of His children!apk/ejk