Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Adventures in the Shire: Ole Augusta

Monday morning The Kirk Haven clan accompanied Pa & Ma Kirk (aka Don Paul & Jackie) onto the Ferryboat, Ole Augusta, where we crossed the Ohio River from Ripley, Ohio to Augusta, Kentucky.

We rode our bikes along the river in the postcard river town of Augusta (also the home of George, Nick, & Rosemary Clooney for all of our non-Ohio readers).
It was a gorgeous, serene morning. So much so that baby girl Kirk fell asleep in her bike seat on the back of Aron's Schwinn; her little head bobbled all about the last of the ride as she slept sitting upright.

1 comment:

beckyjomama said...

OK, I am totally aware that this is gonna make me a big 'ol nerd, but I am waaaaaayyyy jealous of the fact that you were where Rosemary Clooney lived. She has always been one of my very faves. Yes, I have - and listen to still - many of her albums and saw her in concert not too long before she died. She was GREAT!!!

Missed ya and am glad you are back. LOVE the new picture on your header. Glad you had a good vaca. And am glad you are home safe ('cause, ya know, this is home now!!).
Becky Jo