Sunday, July 12, 2009

The crunch is on...

We've been buzzing around our humble abode - checklists in hand - trying to get ready for this baby.

At my OB appointment this past Tuesday, the doctor was concerned that I was measuring a few weeks small and my weight gain is low. Basically, because Belle was so little at full term, they're watching this one extra closely for an IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction). I've measured perfect up until this point...

I'm to get another ultrasound this Tuesday and see the doctor again to further evaluate. If I remain below the 5th percentile, they'd like to 'take the baby' at 37 weeks. I am 34 weeks on Tuesday...

So it just hit us this week how incredibly close to D-day we are, and the huge amount of things we need to accomplish before the sleepless nights and every 2 hours nursing begins.

I've been trying to eat more and increase my calorie intake. We'll see if it helps. Pray with us that this little baby will grow strong and be able to get all the nourishment he needs while he continues to develop in the safety of the womb.
much love


Kelli said...

We are praying for you and the little guy. Should I start bringing Krispy Kremes as a snack for the 2 year old class?

beckyjomama said...

I'm prayin ... I want to meet him (cannot wait to meet him!), but I would rather wait a few weeks for that!

And, no matter where or when, we got Miss Belle covered!

Unknown said...

How scary! I'll be praying for you and baby boy. Keep us updated. Sending love and prayers your way.