Tuesday, July 7, 2009


We are home from our wonderfully relaxing week with family in beautiful Brown County Ohio. We have so much to share, but for this morning, I am unpacking, Krogering, and laundrying.
So the vacation posts will have to wait.

Until then, I'll leave you with this picture...
Only in Brown County, baby. Aron and I pulled into the pharmacy parking lot to pick up some Airborne (I felt like I might be coming down with something mid-week) and caught a priceless shot. Yes, this is a lawnmower, parked, taking up an entire spot. Giggle if you must (we did!!), but in a strange way, this warms my heart.
more to come...


Joel Young said...

That's a classic shot, and the very reason I sometimes miss the simplicity of life back home. Ahhh...if we could all just drive lawn mowers around maybe we wouldn't be in such a hurry all the time.

Amber said...

Very Brown County! Thanks for sharing, I needed the laugh.

Kimberly Kirk said...

That's only a couple blocks from my house! Ha. I am so glad I moved to the country :) Love ya girl.