Friday, June 6, 2008

What is your SHAPE?

I'm really excited about our next series at church, SHAPEd for service. What is your SHAPE (Spiritual gifts, Heart/passions, Abilities, Personality, Experiences)?

We going to explore the fact that we've all got a role to play in God's redemptive work. He has given us each a unique SHAPE to serve Him.

The Church is God's redemptive vehicle for the entire world. Let that soak in. We (the Church)have been commissioned with telling the Good News and making disciples. God's really been challenging me with the weight of this. Jesus died to save the world, then he established his Church and entrusted them with the responsibility of spreading the Word.

So many times we Americans give the local church our left-overs. Some of us feel like we are left-overs. Let me assure you, the local church can use you. God can make your 'left-overs' feed 5000 (think a few fish and some bread).

I've had people tell me I have a real 'gift' when it comes to music/writing songs/etc. Worldly wisdom says, "Hey man, you've got a 'gift', why don't you try to get famous and make a load of cash and you'll be set." That's from my own thoughts and it's what I once strived for. I even had people-- good, Christian people-- want this for me.

Godly wisdom says, "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." That's from 1 Peter 4:10. This verse reminds me that the most talented and least talented people in this world are on a level playing field called Service. I'm convinced the most glorious Service Stadium is the local church.

Jesus did NOT say the greatest among us would be the best songwriter, the most charasmatic speaker, the one in the highest position, etc. He said the greatest would be the servant. We are all SHAPEd to serve, but we've got to get into the game. The local church has a glorious playing field waiting. What is your SHAPE?

1 comment:

Aron and Erica said...

nicely said, babe.