Thursday, January 15, 2009

a McMoment

Aron & I made plans to meet for lunch today; we haven't got to spend 10 quality minutes with each other this we were desperate to see each other.

I asked Belle, "Do you want to go meet daddy at McDonald's for lunch?"

She responded, "I go see McDaddy at McDonald's and get chicken nuggets!"

It was definately worth braving the 0 degree weather. It was so special just being together in a time and place we normally we wouldn't. We ate our Bic Mac's and fries, and then we just sat there. We talked and dreamed and laughed at Belle. We both agreed we were in the midst of a moment you just wish you could freeze in time.

Aron ran several worship scenarios by me for this Sunday; he set up the scene, the video, the songs...then I started to cry (I blame it on the rush of hormones in my body). The story they will be telling on Sunday is just so beautiful.

We talked about if the new baby will look like Belle or all together different. Aron said, "I don't know. I wonder about that too, but to be honest, its just so not real to me yet. I mean, I'm really not even aware that your sitting across from me pregnant right now."

I said, "That's okay because I'm aware enough for the both of us...constantly." (The exhaustion and fatigue are incessant right now).

Belle and I went to Kroger afterwards, and I pretty much gagged my way up and down the aisles. I scanned the store for a bathroom several times, but instead resolved to hold by scarf over my nose to prevent further gagging. It didn't work very well. I called Aron and informed him this would be my last grocery trip until the nausea is gone because that was pretty much torture!

I hope you all find time for a moment with those you love today! Breathe it in for these are the moments that make up a lifetime.


beckyjomama said...

And now I am crying ... and I can't even blame it on emotions! So sorry about the nausea and gagging ... that has got to stink! It will all be worth it in a few months though!

Amber said...

Bless your heart! I was way more tired when prego w/ the second than when the first. I'd go to the grocery this time around think that I was going to vomit in front of the deli counter...then I got to the fresh seafood part. Ugh.

I hope it passes so quickly! I'm glad that Mcdonald's sounded good. It's kind of mean to post that picture while some of us are working on taking weight off....

Unknown said...

What a sweet McMoment...don't you love when you are able to steal time like that?

I can relate to the gagging (often feel that way evey time I open up our refrigerator or pantry and stare at all the food that does NOT look smell or sound good but rather repulsive) Going to venture to the grocery store tomorrow...but I will attempt to go at a "less nauseous" time of the day.

Question: How are you doing with brushing your teeth in the morning? That most certainly means gagging for me.

Kim Mierau said...

You poor thing!! We love you!