Thursday, September 25, 2008


We sure are enjoying time with the family this week. My mom & dad spoiled the girls yesterday while I worked. Today I got to participate!! Tommorrow they're headed to an apple orchard; Aron will be going, but I have to work. Boo! I would have scheduled off, but I didn't know they would still be here (they had planned on spending the weekend fishing in Lake Erie...but weather is not permitting). So instead of fishing, they'll be picking apples and petting animals and eating donuts and cider. Good stuff.
My sister & I had little girls 10 weeks apart (you'd never believe Belle is the oldest!), and it is so fun to watch them enjoy each other and play together. Of course, we've had our rough patches this week. Belle tends to be bossy, and Chloe tends to push/hit. But a little encouragement, and a little time out, and our girls are learning to share.
We took our babies for a walk today. The girls were on top of the world.
Little Belle had important business to take care of on our leisurely stroll.
Chloe kept taking her baby 'off road'. At one point she pushed her baby into someone else's garage about a 1/2 mile from our house.
Its so amazing to watch them interact and talk to each other.

This picture cracks me up because Chloe looks exactly like my sister & my mom did at this age. I just keep looking at this picture and shaking my head.


beckyjomama said...

So very sweet!!!!

And, that must've been one very important phone call that Miss Belle was on!!!!! She's rockin' her "intense" face!!!

Becky Jo

Amber said...

So cute, and how great to have cousins 10 weeks apart in age!

Apple picking...that sounds heavenly.

Kelli said...

How nice to have cousins so close in age! I hope they get to spend lots of time together.

That picture of Belle with the phone tucked against her ear is so cute! They learn that stuff so young.

Unknown said...

She is growing up so fast! I love this age...many laughs and smiles! Isn't it great to watch the cousins play together? Lovely.

Kim Mierau said...

Chloe is a beauty!!!