Tuesday, September 9, 2008

how about an update?

My friend, Denise, commented on my debbie downer post that His mercies are new every morning...I can bank on it....she told me.

She was right. At 5:19 am staffing called me and canceled me for the day. Normally, I'd be depressed because it sets us back on our debt free schedule, but today I was perfectly content.
I was seriously feeling ill at the thought of another day after my first one.

Not only this, but I think God - in His providence- knew my little Belle would be sick all day. Poor thing. She's currently laying on the floor (she's barely moved all day) with a fever of 104.3. No other symptoms to note, just that lousy fever. The Tylenol/Ibuprofen reduces the fever a bit...but not below 100 so far. I've given her two tepid baths already at the instruction of Ma Kirk (aka Jackie Kay), and she cried so pathetically.

She's wanted nothing to eat or drink, except ice cream. So daddy ran to meijer at 10:45 to pick some up. When I offered her some she said "Sprinkles?". Of course, sprinkles!!

In other news...I really, really, really think that Satan has been battling our family the last few days. It seems as God begins to move and call us to take steps of faith or growth, Satan slams hard, in an attempt to derail and distract. You read about MY bad day. Aron was gracious enough not to share his.

I'll just say Belle woke up very upset Sunday night, and Aron was up with her most of the night. The next day he was fighting feelings of exhaustion and melancholy all day. And then, while driving home from work, he literally fell asleep while sitting at the stop light. He awoke to a blaring horn behind him and the car in front of him already through the next set of lights 300 yards up. Not good.

So, we are hanging in there. God is hanging on to us. Greater is Him that lives within us than he that is in the world. Tonight we rest in him.
ps...thanks all for your prayers and hugs...they were very much embraced & enjoyed...even e-hugs give me warm fuzzies!


beckyjomama said...

Poor Sweet Belle! I hope she is feeling better soon.
Kisses Belle, We LOVE YOU!!!!

Kelli said...

Hope Belle is feeling better! Don't tell her but I bought her birthday present yesterday.

Hannah said...

I went over to my parent's to see Belle. Poor thing, she has a good "sad face." I got her to laugh a lot. We had fun :)

Woollard House said...

I hope that Belle is feeling better. I miss her and you guys alot. Our trip to Detroit was wonderful and you are proably getting excited about D.P and Jackie coming up this weekend. Aron, falling asleep at the wheel is a very scary feeling. I know because I have been there. Things that you can to do to prevent that is pull over somewhere and take a cat nap in the car, strecth, chewing gum, eat an apple, etc. Some of these may be inconvient but better than waking up in the hospital. Love ya BRO! B-DUB