Tuesday, July 13, 2010

belle & bubs

After a FULL weekend with much excitement & late nights, the kiddos were wiped!
They awoke briefly this morning long enough to crawl into our bed and drift back to dreamland...until well after 12:00 pm. They really enjoy snuggling together after waking.
We moved our snuggle session out to the couch.
Belle said to me, "Mom, I'm giving my elephant to bubs because I love him sooooo much."

my favorite shot (i HEART my babies' feet).
Okay, enough snuggle time for this lion cub. Ready for adventure!
moments like these are surreal to me.
treasures worth far more than money or status
soaking them in,

1 comment:

beckyjomama said...

So sweet ... nothin beats moments like that. NOTHIN!