Friday, October 10, 2008

lip love

I just love my new super-power: magical kisses!

Aren't they amazing?! I never knew how much power was packed in my pucker (except where Aron is concerned...I kid, I kid!). Isabelle somehow hurts herself, and she comes running holding whatever injured body part that needs attention desiring a magic kisses to make it "all better". In fact, she just bit her tongue eating apples - and she stuck that cute little tongue right out waiting for me to heal it with a kiss.

As adults when we get hurt - be it emotionally, physically, spiritually - what is our first instinct? Is it to nurse our own wounds? It is to bury it? What about brewing on it? For me...I run to the people in my life that I think will sympathize or identify with my hurt. What if every "boo-boo" I encounter I immediately let out a yelp, hold it up anticipating a healing touch from my Father, knowing that His is the only touch that can make it better. I know I'd save myself a lot of heartache, a lot of worry, and needless pain. No wonder Jesus told us to have faith like little children.

Just a passing thought in my day. If you're hurting, I hope you'll allow God to give you a "magical kiss"...the pain may not instantly vanish, but I know that is where healing begins.
all my love

1 comment:

beckyjomama said...

OH, you will be kissing many odd body parts for years to come!!!

And, what a great idea - lift our hurts up to Him who heals. Stuff to ponder ... you are so wise my friend!