Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Ministry of the Word

I have to comment on the previous blog by my wife (the most important video). If you watch the video you will realize the atrocity that is abortion. When I watched it I was outraged. I wanted to go protest or yell at doctors as they walked into clinics. I wanted to do something to wake up our congressmen to change legislation.

Something Erica and I have realized as we've talked about it is that you can't legislate morality. In other words, even if abortion was illegal it would still happen and people would still want to do it. Or, as the Bible says it, righteousness does not come from the law. I don't want people to not be able to have abortions; I want people to not want to have abortions. That's a change of heart, and that's something only God can do.

God spoke to me as I contemplated all this and I realized the absolute priority of the ministry of the Word of God. In Acts chapter 6 the apostles were challenged with serving tables to make sure everyone was treated fairly. They said it would not be right for them to forsake the ministry of the Word in order to wait on tables. So, they selected others to wait on tables, but they devoted themselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.

God's Word is what changes people's hearts by the power of His holy spirit. As christians, if we want to see this world changed, let's not forsake the ministry of God's word to lobby for legislation and political agendas. Let's lobby for love and changed lives through ministering God's Word to everyone in our lives. Let's humbly serve in the most menial positions in our churches so that our "ministers" can be free to study, pray, and minister the Word week after week without having to "wait on tables". Let's worship God in spirit and truth and let him change this world.

I'm not saying legistlation is not important. I'm just saying the ministry of God's word is the most important. We are the body of Christ, the Word itself. We're all in this together, and we each have our part to play.