Friday, October 3, 2008

The Sacred Cow

This is the second post in my 3 part "Cow" series.

In India, people believe cows are sacred, so they don't eat them. So there's a lot of cows everywhere. Kind of ironic when you're an Indian suffering from malnutrition. In America it seems ridiculous: Kill the cow. Eat it. Live.

But a lot of us have "sacred cows" holding us back from a fuller life, especially the life God calls us to. Are you avoiding a hard conversation with someone just because "you just don't talk to him about that"? Are you avoiding talking to your kids about sex or drugs just because "some things are too awkward"? Perhaps there's and alcoholic in your family no one will confront because they'll get upset. Perhaps there's a problem in your workplace that no one will talk about because your boss thinks it's sacred.

Let's not be afraid of hard conversations that God calls us to. Life is too short. There are a lot of sacred cows out there. Let's show them their proper place: on a hamburger bun (sorry if you're a vegetarian or sympathetic to animals; this is purely for the sake of an analogy, of course. But I do like hamburger) Kill the cow. Eat it. Live. Who's hungry?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so "feelin" this entry.