Monday, August 17, 2009

4 Years, 4 Quotes

For my final "4th Anniversary" post, here are my four favorite quotes from Erica:
1. "Just be..."--whenever life's been hectic, or we feel like we've lost ourselves in trying to serve other people's expectations, Erica will say, "we need to just be..." or , "let's just be..." It's more than 'just being yourself'. It's a state of existence where Peace is the government and rest is its currency.
2. "Naguntum." (pronounced na - goon - tum) -- okay, this one's sappy. When we were young (like 16 years old young) we used to do the whole, "i love you more." "no, i love you more," "no, I love you most, infinity," thing when we were getting off the phone. We would always get to infinity, and then the banter would continue with "infinity plus one," and "infinity times infinity." We always tried to top each other to no avail, until one night we made up our own word--the aforementioned "Naguntum"-- which means love beyond infinity and forever which cannot be measured or fathomed. Whenever she pulls out the "naguntum", I know she's for real.
3. "eeeeeeeeeeee..." (falsetto-like screech used to express extreme excitement)-- She usually whips this one out whenever she finds out someone we love is pregnant or is getting married. You know, the real mushy kind of stuff that girls get excited about. It's cute, and it's my favorite to observe when she is unaware.
4. "Aron, you are the Master of my world. Ruler supreme of my existensial experience. Crown jewel of all of God's very creation-- and worthy of my undying devotion and love. Were I to recount the wonders of your love, the perfection of your physique, or the enjoyments of your personality, they would out number the sand on the seashores, etc., etc., etc." --Okay, so she's never pulled this one out VERBATIM, but there have been similar remarks made, and I see it in her eyes every time I have my shirt off drinking an ice cold diet Coke. If you doubt the truth of that, I only say this: two babies in 4 years of marriage. That's all I'm gonna say, but at this rate by the time we're 42 we'll have 10 kids.


Kim Mierau said...

Ha. Also, the "eeeee." I know that one well!

Amber said...

I feel a little ill after reading the fourth one...

Unknown said...

you are too funny. love the 4th quote! and for the 2nd quote...did you make up that word? darc and i always say (past heaven and beyond) or text PH&B...that's our "I love you more code" (even if it sounds a bit Buzz Lightyear ish!)

mom kirk said...

better keep your shirt on and hide the diet coke for a few years!LOL momma